Home Improvement Consultants
Home Improvement Consultants

1-stop support hub for cheaper heating at home, (eco) refurbishment solutions and local installers

Our Services

Heating Efficiency Assessments

Review your home & save up to 50% on your heating bills and 80% on your home’s carbon emissions

Home Improvement Assessments

Assess improvement works of your choosing - anything from insulation and energy to interior design and architecture.

Local Installers & Funding

We provide customised introductions to grants, loans and quality installers.

Why use Heat Scheme?

Impartial, quality guidance
Customised, effective solutions
Comfort at lower cost

Steps to comfort at home


Contact us to request a personal phone / video call. If you’ve got Heat Scheme as an employee benefit scheme, log in here.

On the initial phone call, we will understand what improvement works you are interested in and what solutions might be appropriate for you.

Video call (or phone if you prefer) to walk through your home and carry out the assessment. Summary report sent by email, including a recommended contractor and any available grants or loans.

Your chosen contractor commences works

Don't miss Out

Contact us today to improve comfort at home

020 7126 8476

If your employer is not currently part of the
scheme or offering training, click here to ask them to sign up.

If you’re lucky enough to have Heat Scheme available to you
through your employer, sign in below.